Sunday, January 3, 2010

God Knows best....

You know, I think I stay up way too late and should probably start to get in the bed a little earlier. I woke up this morning and got ready for church, but I don't think I was ready for church. Way to often we got to church and don't really prepare ourselves for church and that is what I did today. I went in thinking oh man I'm going to be late and not thinking at all about needing to prepare my heart to hear from God. Well that was rudely awakened in Sunday School today as we talked about Jesus feeding the five thousand. I really enjoy my Sunday School class at church, Tony does a great job telling us what he thinks the word means. What really encourages me about him is that he is not a fake Christian, what he says he lives. That is the kind of man I want to be known as.
Well as we were talking in Sunday School about how Jesus fed the five thousand it hit me once again, people had to have FAITH in him that he could feed them all. Think about the last time you saw someone feed at least 8,000 people with just five peaces of bread and two small fish.(if your like me you haven't) But Jesus took the bread and the fish gave thanks and blessed it. I don't care what god you follow, there is no way at all that your god can do what my God did on that day. It blows me away to think of all the great miracles he has done on this Earth and yet I still feel as if I ought to worry, ridiculous. Funny thing is right after Sunday School I went over to our morning service and Pastor Jason spoke on Matthew 6, the worrying portion. I have really recently come to the terms with I don't really need to worry about anything because anything I need God will provide if I have FAITH in him. Pastor Jason's message was reaffirming that as long as I do trust him and truly give it over to him, he WILL take care of it. Really, how GREAT is our God?
In the devotional book I bought yesterday, I read about Joesph and his brother's after the funeral and how they were worried that Joesph was going to pay them back for all the evil they had done to him. Joesph is probably my top favorite Bible character, because he reminds me so much of myself. He weeps when his brother's send him the letter supposedly from his father and lets them know that he will not only take care of them but also their children. One of my favorite verse of scripture is here when Joesph says to his brothers,"What you meant for evil, God has done for good." I love that, it reminds me so much of my life. What Satan meant for evil, God turned out for complete good. How amazing is he? My mom said something today that I will never forget, we were talking about how great God is and how I have changed so much from the rough past I have had, she says "I know now that the reason we were put there(west Monroe Church) was for you guys." Boom, right there, never thought of that really but it's definitely true, God had his hand on me my whole life and has always brought the right people in my life when it was the right time. Sometimes I get in a hurry and think its the right time but I need to realize that only God knows the real right time. Satan meant my life for evil, but God has decided to use it for good, HALLELUJAH!
Later on in my quiet time tonight I read in Jeremiah and he discovered that God is never wrong, and what he says will always rule supremely. Jeremiah prayed for the destruction of his own people, can you believe that? they were so evil and far from God that they couldn't even listen to what his prophet was telling them without beating him up and putting him in jail. Sound familiar? Maybe its time that we stop praying for all this peace and we start praying for God to do whatever it takes to bring us back to him. I know the times that I see that I need him the most are when something big gets my attention and lets me see how small I really am. God will have his way, and we need to realize that. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.
I read some in Matthew tonight too, its amazing how the old testament leads right up to the new testament don't you think. Tonight was about Peter when exclaimed that Jesus was the Son of God. How amazing is it that Peter knew Jesus was God's son, Jesus even says "it was not men who told you this, but it was God." Amazing, I desire so much to be so close to God that he is sharing stuff with me all the time that others do not know, because our relationship is just that good. I want to know him so much more. I think that should be every believers mentality, to know God more.
Tonight I heard Pastor Sam speaking on love, loving others with the love of Christ. I love people but not nearly the way I should. I have decided that along with Growing to know God so much more this year I want to love others with the love Christ loves us with. If I can do this I think it will definitely make me a better Christian,a better person, and make whatever ministry I am part of more successful.
Verse of the day- Genesis 50:19-21 (The Message) Joseph replied, "Don't be afraid. Do I act for God? Don't you see, you planned evil against me but God used those same plans for my good, as you see all around you right now—life for many people. Easy now, you have nothing to fear; I'll take care of you and your children." He reassured them, speaking with them heart-to-heart.


  1. mike,
    i just wanted to let you know that i think what God is doing in your life is absolutely amazing. God is working in and through me, i believe. i am having a hard time with the calling God has laid on my heart, and i am not sure if it is God asking me to do more with it, or if i am wanting to do more with it. either way, prayer would be much appreciated. i'm glad you had an good Christmas, and it seems that you have remembered very well the reason for the season. how are things going for you at Liberty? i hope you are doing great, and loving this new year that God has provided. i just wanted to check in, let you know that i am praying for you, and see how life's been treating you. if you want, you can message me on facebook, or write something on my wall.
    Love in Christ,

  2. even though you're not in wilson anymore, you're still a big impact in my life. i try to read your blogs everytime you post one and they're so encouraging. thanks mike!

    p.s. i miss you! come to wilson sometime soon?
